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Graduates of Bremen High School
(permanent fund)
Jac-Cen-Del High School graduating senior with the intention of studying journalism
(permanent fund)
Bremen High School Graduates
(permanent fund)
Plymouth High School graduate demonstrating a record of community service
(permanent fund)
Graduate of Culver High School pursuing agricultural studies
(permanent fund)
Scholarship based on academic potential, class rank, character, citizenship, and financial need
(permanent fund)
Graduating senior of Culver High School
(permanent fund)
Students participating in the Graduate Building Trades Program at Culver High School
(permanent fund)
Graduates of Culver Community High School
(permanent fund)
Graduate of Triton Schools
(permanent fund)
LaVille High School graduating seniors
(permanent fund)
Triton High School graduate attending Purdue University, Purdue Fort Wayne, or Purdue North Central
(permanent fund)
John Glenn High School graduating senior
(permanent fund)
Argos High School senior
(permanent fund)
Financial Aid for students enrolled at Ancilla College
(permanent fund)
Triton School Corporation students and Alumni
(permanent fund)
Students pursuing the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree in the Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine
(permanent fund)
Graduates of Bremen High School
(permanent fund)
Graduates of Bremen High School
(permanent fund)
Graduates of Bremen High School
(permanent fund)